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The Spice Route India

Newsletter : Vol. 3, Issue 2, 4 October 2022

Letter from National Council

Dr. Serin Kuriakose
Dr. Jyotika Gupta
Dr. Kailas P

Hello readers !

We are back with the fifth issue of the Spice Route India bulletin. It has been 5 months since the previous one, and a lot has happened since then. The fifth FMPC was held at Hyderabad from 9-11 April. This was the first physical event of AFPI after 2 years. Thanks to the various continuous online activities, many new faces seemed just familiar!

We conducted a panel discussion, involving family medicine residents and MBBS graduates. We also organized a quiz to engage the young doctors. Many of our members also presented papers on varied topics.

The Spice Route India was awarded the best SIG (Special Interest Group) by AFPI. Dr. Nitish Garg was awarded the Best Rising Star of Spice Route India and Kerala state won the Spice Route Best Chapter Award for their active participation in the past two years.

Since May 2022, we have been blessed to have expanded our National Council with Dr. Gunjan Jha as National Treasurer, Dr. Nitish Garg as Chief Image Editor and Dr. Digbijoy Choudhary as PG Coordinator.

The Spice Route India has also been successful in expanding councils in 6 states i.e. Kerala, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Delhi, Tamil Nadu and Telangana . Individual state chapters have been actively conducting physical and online academic activities since then , like PG update session by Karnataka state and online CMEs by Kerala and Maharashtra.

Another feather in the cap has been the first National Leadership and Training program hosted by The Spice Route India - Kerala chapter, at Kasargod in August 2022. It was a fun filled event organised on a house boat with leadership training sessions conducted by future leaders , along with games and quiz! It has been a proud moment for AFPI to launch the National Family Medicine day and AFPI foundation day , on the 27th of September at New Delhi with active participation from all national leaders and many young upcoming leaders.

We feel happy to present to you the next edition of our newsletter, helmed by our editorial team. And as we look back at the two years gone past, with pride and honour, and a twinkle in our eyes, we know we have a long way to go.

Upward and Onward...!

National Council
The Spice Route India Movement

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Contact us at TheSpiceRouteIndia@gmail.com

Designed by Dr. Serin Kuriakose