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Newsletter : Vol. 3, Issue 2, 4 October 2022


Our newsletter takes pride in marking the celebration of the first National Family Medicine Day on the 27th September this year. A day to remember the founding of AFPI, but also a day to celebrate the field of family medicine.

In this issue you will find many articles that honour the values, joy, and importance of being general practitioners. A heartfelt letter from a post graduate resident in family medicine will provide you the warmth of solidarity and highlights the satisfying nature of a career in family medicine or primary care. Primary health care is a field that gives us the opportunity to look beyond clinics. Beyond illness. Beyond medicine. Pushes us to go to the communities, understand the resources that people have, and support in the best ways possible. Stories from the rural setting of Gudalur in “In search of Ikigai” underscore this.

There are also articles that will help physicians to educate and empower individuals to prevent illness and maintain wellness. Not to miss the important case report on Vitamin B12 deficiency, a common clinical problem in an uncommon presentation.

We thank all the authors for their contribution. This issue is especially vivid with art, photography, and poetry submissions. If you need to be carried away to another land, do read the mysterious story from Sundarbans.

Hope you enjoy this issue of the newsletter and find something in it that celebrates you. Because as MK Gandhi said, “in a gentle way, you can shake the world” can really apply to each of us, especially those in the field of primary care. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts about the content and expect submissions from you for the next issue. Happy reading!

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